Weekly and Upcoming Rides
This page will detail the rides for the coming weekend and any future rides proposed for a later date. Please check regularly for any new rides or updates regarding the weekly rides.
Whilst this page is primarily intended for club members if you are interested in joining our club and would like to join us for a taster ride please feel free to do so. Check the Ride Options page to see which ride is best for you.
Due to the added demands for MTB rides please contact us on the above link if you haven’t been on an Club MTB ride before.
Gathering for the Chairman’s Summer Social Ride
Please note that the club operates a No Drop policy on all of its rides.
Typically we offer Road, MTB and Ruff Stuff rides every Sunday morning and an MTB ride on a Thursday evening.
Regular track evenings are also held at the Colchester Northern Gateway centre for members and guests.
in addition we have joined up with Tri Sudbury who offer members a Saturday Ride.
This page updates every Thursday so please log on and view up to date information regarding the weekend and the following week rides.
Week Beginning SATURDAY 29th march
Every effort is made to update this page as rides change but please also check relevant WhatsApp group before setting out for a club ride to get latest updates in the event of inclement weather. If you do not have access to the relevant WhatsApp group please contact us and we will add you.
saturday 29th march
Tri Sudbury RidE
This week, captain John Kerr will be leading the TRISudbury Saturday Club Ride. The route will be 25/30 miles, pace of slowest rider. Meeting at Bull Hotel Long Melford at 0900.
Sunday 30th March
MTB - Leaving Boxford at 8.00am.
Faster Ride - Leaving Boxford at 8.00am.
Steady Ride - Leaving Boxford at 9.00am.
Ruff Stuff - Leaving Boxford at 9.00am.
Thursday 3rd april
MTB - Leaving Boxford at 6.30pm. TBC
Other Rides coming up
Sunday 6th April
Spring Club Ride - Leaving Boxford at 9.00am we hope to see as many members from all disciplines as possible. The ride will be around 25 miles at a gentle pace finishing at the White Hart.
Thursday 10th April
Northern Gateway session 8.00 - 9.00. Guests welcome