Emergency Contacts
Have you ever considered what would happen if, God forgive, you had an accident and were left unconscious. Fortunately there are a number of options including an identity bracelet, helmet tab, identity card etc. In addition if you own an iphone it is very easy to set up an emergency contact and even though a stranger cannot get into the phone they can access the emergency contact.
To set your phone up go into SETTINGS and click on EMERGENCY SOS [Screenshot 1)
Here you can fill in a number of tabs including one which is entitled EMERGNCY CONTACTS. Click on EDIT EMERGENCY CONTACTS IN HEALTH and enter the person and phone number of the person you would like contacted making sure SHOIW WHEN LOCKED is enabled.
When a stranger or club colleague picks up your phone all they need to do is click on the EMERGENCY tab [Screenshot 2] [Screenshot 3] followed by the MEDICAL ID tab and your emergency contact can be contacted.